Frequently Asked Questions

What is the application process?

The first step is to complete an expression of interest using this link. After this, there will be an opportunity for someone from the SCS Teaching Hub to talk to you about this opportunity. Applicants will then be asked to complete a more detailed application and be involved in a first round interview with the Director of the SCS Teaching Hub followed by an interview with the principal of a potential host school.

What is the timing?

Applications are now open, with Interviews and opportunities to learn more scheduled for Terms 2 and 3, 2024. Placements will be finalised in Term 4, 2024 so that the 2024 Cohort can begin orientation in Janurary, 2025.

Who should apply?

If you are wondering whether you are someone who is suited to this program here are some questions to consider:

  • Do you love Jesus and want to be involved in vocation of Christian Education?
  • Do you have the capacity to grow through tertiary studies?
  • Are you open to feedback and opportunities to try new things?
  • Are you someone who works well in teams and have positive interactions with children and young people?
  • Are you someone willing to immerse yourself in this opportunity and share your journey with others?

If you can answer yes to these questions then please prayerfully consider applying!

Can I start in Semester 2?

Trainees are encouraged to start in Semester 1 to provide the best opportunities to get to know other trainees. This also works better with the timing of subjects with Alphacrucis. From time to time Trainees may be able to start in Semester 2 if there are good reasons to consider this option.

I didn’t go to a Christian School – can I still apply?

Yes! It is not a requirement that Trainees have attended a Christian school to complete the HSC or equivalent.

Can I become a Trainee and also continue to have another job?

Yes, if you need to do some casual or part-time work to support yourself during the program. It will be important to review your commitments though to ensure that you can have enough time and energy to fully participate in the program. Because becoming a Trainee with the SCS Teaching Hub is a more rigorous program than some other initial teacher training programs applicants seeking to maintain a significant number of hours of employment in another role are strongly encouraged to consider ways to reduce other commitments to support them throughout the program.

I’m currently studying at another university – can I still apply?

Yes, if you are currently studying at another university you are still eligible to apply. If you have already successfully completed some subjects you are strongly encouraged to apply for Cross-Credits and / or Recognition of Prior Learning so that the subjects you have completed can contribute toward the completion of your degree.

How long does it take to train to become a Teacher?

Trainees can apply with Alphacrucis to complete either a 2 year Masters of Education Degree or a 4 year Bachelor of Education Degree. Masters students are required to have already completed a Bachelor’s Degree that meets NESA requirements.

What happens when I finish the program?

When Trainees begin their final year of tertiary studies they are eligible to apply to become Conditionally Accredited to teach with NESA and with the SCS Teaching Hub.

Once Trainees have completed tertiary studies they are eligible to apply for employment with the school they have been placed with. In the event that the school that Trainees have been placed with during the program is not able to provide employment, Trainees may then consider employment with other schools in the SCS Teaching Hub.

Which school will I be placed in?

As much as possible the preferences of applicants will be taken into account when considering which school Trainees will be placed in. Other factors that determine the school that a Trainee is placed in include: the capacity of member schools to accept Trainees and provide a Mentor, the specific needs of member schools and employment requirements and the culture of member schools and the extent to which applicants will be a good fit.