Trainee Experience

School Experience and Your Mentor

“I have learnt more about teaching in the Sydney Christian Schools Teaching Hub in a few weeks than what I learn in 2 years when I was studying elsewhere.”

Testimonial of one of the Trainees from the 2023 Cohort

Each Trainee is paid while they are placed in a classroom with a Christian Mentor Teacher one day a week. This provides an opportunity to:

  • Observe a range of teachers, classes representing a range of ages
  • Over time, progressively do more of the things that teachers do and put theory into practice
  • Regularly receive feedback
  • Get to know students and build relationships with a school community
  • Participate in the life of a Christian School community including the opportunity to become involved in areas related to the gifts and strengths of Trainees such as co-curricular activities, sport and excursions
  • Learn what it means to be a part of team and Christian School community as a member of staff

Tertiary Studies

Trainees complete a NESA approved course of studies with plenty of support. Trainees can train to become:

  • Early Learning
  • Primary Teachers
  • Secondary Teacher Specialists

Students can choose between a 4 year Bachelor of Education degree or, for those who have already completed a suitable Bachelor degree, can complete a 2 year Masters Degree.

Insight Sessions

Each week Trainees meet for Insight Sessions hosted by different member schools. This provides a unique opportunity for Trainees to:

  • Get practical support with Tertiary studies and Professional Experience Placements
  • Share classroom experiences and learn the craft of Christian Education
  • Develop a supportive network of Christian Teachers
  • Benefit and support each other through pastoral care, with every Trainee known personally
  • Learn ways to success and flourish as a Christian Teacher
  • Learn from a wide range of highly experienced and skilled Christian Educators including executive leaders, students, teachers and also from each other
  • Discuss hot topics and current developments in Christian Education